Sr. No State/UT Amount to be raised
(₹ Crore)
Amount Accepted
(₹ Crore)
Cut off
Price (₹)/ Yield (%)
1. Arunachal Pradesh 215 215 7.24 20
2. Assam 900 900 7.24 20
3. Chhattisgarh 1000 1000 100.38/6.7495 Re-issue of 7.03% Chhattisgarh SDL 2026, issued on August 28, 2019
1000 1000 100.16/7.1378 Re-issue of 7.18% Chhattisgarh SDL 2030, issued on January 29, 2020
1000 1000 99.84/7.1480 Re-issue of 7.11% Chhattisgarh SDL 2030, issued on March 18, 2020
4. Gujarat 2000 2000 6.87 03
5. Haryana 2000 2000 7.23 14
6. Himachal Pradesh 322 322 7.26 10
7. Jammu and Kashmir 300 300 7.22 07
8. Karnataka 2000 2000 99.64/7.1492 Re-issue of 7.08% Karnataka SGS 2031, issued on February 12, 2025
9. Kerala 605 605 7.24 18
10. Madhya Pradesh 2000 2000 7.17 06
2000 2000 7.22 17
2000 2000 7.23 22
11. Maharashtra 2000 2000 99.40/7.1990 Re-issue of 7.12% Maharashtra SGS 2036, issued on February 05, 2025
1500 1500 99.20/7.2301 Re-issue of 7.13% Maharashtra SGS 2037, issued on February 05, 2025
2000 2000 99.16/7.2199 Re-issue of 7.12% Maharashtra SGS 2038, issued on February 05, 2025
1500 1500 99.22/7.2287 Re-issue of 7.14% Maharashtra SGS 2039, issued on February 05, 2025
12. Nagaland 600 600 7.27 10
13. Odisha 1000 1000 6.93 03 years and 06 months
780 780 7.17 05 years and 06 months
1000 1000 7.23 22
14. Puducherry 300 300 7.27 08 years and 06 months
15. Rajasthan 1000 1000 7.19 10
1000 1000 7.23 13
1000 1000 104.92/7.2398 Re-issue of 7.74% Rajasthan SGS 2042, issued on October 04, 2022
16. Tamil Nadu 2000 2000 7.00 04
1000 1000 7.09 05 years and 06 months
1000 1000 7.18 10
1000 1000 7.23 30
17. Telangana 1000 1000 7.23 24
1000 1000 7.23 27
1000 1000 7.23 28
18. Uttar Pradesh 2000 2000 7.24 15
1500 1500 99.38/7.2306 Re-issue of 7.16% Uttar Pradesh SGS 2039, issued on February 20, 2025
19. Uttarakhand 1000 1000 7.23 07
20. West Bengal 3000 3000 7.29 13
3000 3000 7.28 14
  Total 49522 49522    

Ajit Prasad          
Deputy General Manager

Press Release: 2024-2025/2350