Category Archives: RBI Press Release

Buyback of Government of India Dated Securities

The Government of India has announced the buyback of its Securities through auction for an [...]

Auction of State Government Securities

The following State Governments have offered to sell stock by way of auction, for an [...]

RBI releases draft guidelines on ‘Prudential Framework for Income Recognition, Asset Classification and Provisioning pertaining to Advances – Projects Under Implementation’

As announced in the Statement on Developmental and Regulatory Policies dated October 06, 2023, with [...]

91 days, 182 days and 364 days Treasury Bills auction

Reserve Bank of India announces the auction of Government of India Treasury Bills as per [...]

Government Stock – Full Auction Results

Auction Results 7.33% GS 2026 7.23% GS 2039 7.34% GS 2064 I. Notified Amount ₹6,000 [...]

RBI Working Paper No. 04/2024: Assessing the Impact of Macroprudential Policies on Housing Credit Dynamics: Evidence from India

Today the Reserve Bank of India placed on its website a Working Paper titled “Assessing [...]

Reserve Bank of India – Bulletin Weekly Statistical Supplement – Extract

1. Reserve Bank of India – Liabilities and Assets* (₹ Crore) Item 2023 2024 Variation [...]

Government Stock – Auction Results: Cut-off

    7.33% GS 2026 7.23% GS 2039 7.34% GS 2064 I. Notified Amount ₹6,000 [...]