Auction Results 6.64% GS 2027 6.79% GS 2034 7.09% GS 2074
I. Notified Amount ₹7,000 crore ₹22,000 crore ₹10,000 crore
II. Underwriting Notified Amount ₹7,000 crore ₹22,000 crore ₹10,000 crore
III. Competitive Bids Received      
(i) Number 86 355 190
(ii) Amount ₹22637.000 Crore ₹52976.000 Crore ₹25104.000 Crore
IV. Cut-off price / Yield 100.06 100.56 100.21
(YTM: 6.6112%) (YTM: 6.7086%) (YTM: 7.0735%)
V. Competitive Bids Accepted      
(i) Number 21 159 89
(ii) Amount ₹6995.971 Crore ₹21960.643 Crore ₹9998.301 Crore
VI. Partial Allotment Percentage of Competitive Bids 2.95% 4.36% 1.99%
(7 Bids) (30 Bids) (10 Bids)
VII. Weighted Average Price/Yield 100.08 100.59 100.32
(WAY: 6.6033%) (WAY: 6.7043%) (WAY: 7.0655%)
VIII. Non-Competitive Bids Received      
(i) Number 4 6 3
(ii) Amount ₹4.029 Crore ₹39.357 Crore ₹1.699 Crore
IX. Non-Competitive Bids Accepted      
(i) Number 4 6 3
(ii) Amount ₹4.029 Crore ₹39.357 Crore ₹1.699 Crore
(iii) Partial Allotment Percentage
X. Amount of Underwriting accepted from primary dealers ₹7,000 crore ₹22,000 crore ₹10,000 crore
XI. Devolvement on Primary Dealers NIL NIL NIL

Ajit Prasad          
Deputy General Manager

Press Release: 2024-2025/2160