1. Reserve Bank of India – Liabilities and Assets* (₹ Crore) Item 2023 2024 Variation Sep. 15 Sep. 6 Sep. 13 Week Year 1 2 3 4 5 4 Loans and Advances           4.1 Central Government 0 0 0 0 0 4.2 State Governments 16939 35426 29725 -5701 12786 * Data are provisional; difference, if any, is due to rounding off.
2. Foreign Exchange Reserves* Item As on Sep. 13, 2024 Variation over Week End-March 2024 Year ₹ Cr. US$ Mn. ₹ Cr. US$ Mn. ₹ Cr. US$ Mn. ₹ Cr. US$ Mn. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 Total Reserves 5784739 689458 -776 223 393483 43039 852854 96421 1.1 Foreign Currency Assets # 5064604 603629 -6655 -515 302759 32679 690879 77714 1.2 Gold 527636 62887 7304 899 88316 10212 161711 18886 1.3 SDRs 154540 18419 -516 -53 3317 287 4080 327 1.4 Reserve Position in the IMF 37960 4523 -909 -108 -909 -139 -3816 -506 * Difference, if any, is due to rounding off.
# Excludes (a) SDR holdings of the Reserve Bank, as they are included under the SDR holdings; (b) investment in bonds issued by IIFC (UK); and (c) amounts lent under the SAARC and ACU currency swap arrangements.
4. Scheduled Commercial Banks – Business in India (₹ Crore) Item Outstanding as on
Sep. 6, 2024
Variation over Fortnight Financial year so far Year-on-Year 2023-24 2024-25 2023 2024 1 2 3 4 5 6 2 Liabilities to Others             2.1 Aggregate Deposits 21549985 224859 1344783 1074758 2332369 2161288   (21473034)   (1200965)   (2188552) (2228156) 2.1a Growth (Per cent)   1.1 7.5 5.2 13.7 11.1       (6.7)   (12.8) (11.6) 2.1.1 Demand 2456817 10778 18749 12964 230645 257638 2.1.2 Time 19093167 214080 1326034 1061794 2101725 1903650 2.2 Borrowings 843672 -67704 400588 65730 349898 -2244 2.3 Other Demand and Time Liabilities 1052554 121915 83522 115126 195204 179381 7 Bank Credit 17046401 101092 1363933 614237 2487883 2007232   (16567886)   (769605)   (1893555) (2123045) 7.1a Growth (Per cent)   0.6 10.0 3.7 19.8 13.3       (5.6)   (15.1) (14.7) 7a.1 Food Credit 21503 -2857 -834 -1577 -9521 2432 7a.2 Non-food Credit 17024898 103950 1364768 615814 2497404 2004800 1. Data since July 14, 2023 include the impact of the merger of a non-bank with a bank.
2. Figures in parentheses exclude the impact of the merger.
6. Money Stock: Components and Sources (₹ Crore) Item Outstanding as on Variation over 2024 Fortnight Financial Year so far Year-on-Year 2023-24 2024-25 2023 2024 Mar. 31 Sep. 6 Amount % Amount % Amount % Amount % Amount % 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 M3 24831618 25933277 229176 0.9 1139208 5.1 1101659 4.4 2354472 11.1 2450308 10.4   (24939860) (26010227) (227180) (0.9)     (1070367) (4.3)     (2383441) (10.1) 1 Components (1.1.+1.2+1.3+1.4)                         1.1 Currency with the Public 3410276 3403674 -1067 -0.0 -67204 -2.1 -6602 -0.2 136548 4.4 194442 6.1 1.2 Demand Deposits with Banks 2586888 2599556 11073 0.4 18596 0.8 12668 0.5 229886 10.9 260362 11.1 1.3 Time Deposits with Banks 18739918 19836437 217382 1.1 1193776 7.2 1096519 5.9 1977836 12.5 1973695 11.0   (18848160) (19913388) (215386) (1.1)     (1065227) (5.7)     (1906828) (10.6) 1.4 ‘Other’ Deposits with Reserve Bank 94536 93610 1788 1.9 -5960 -7.7 -926 -1.0 10203 16.6 21808 30.4 2 Sources (2.1+2.2+2.3+2.4-2.5)                         2.1 Net Bank Credit to Government 7512016 7790330 160464 2.1 251442 3.5 278315 3.7 833528 12.7 373356 5.0   (7603571) (7854015) (159246) (2.1)     (250444) (3.3)     (324175) (4.3) 2.1.1 Reserve Bank 1193213 1165032 139487   -206157   -28181   65202   -79936   2.1.2 Other Banks 6318803 6625298 20977 0.3 457599 8.0 306495 4.9 768326 14.2 453292 7.3   (6410358) (6688983) (19759) (0.3)     (278625) (4.3)     (404111) (6.4) 2.2 Bank Credit to Commercial Sector 16672145 17332141 107682 0.6 748992 5.2 659996 4.0 1881352 14.1 2153513 14.2   (17202832) (17810657) (100865) (0.6)     (607825) (3.5)     (2037701) (12.9) 2.2.1 Reserve Bank 14406 8853 -1454   -22128   -5553   -25476   4432   2.2.2 Other Banks 16657739 17323288 109135 0.6 771120 5.4 665549 4.0 1906828 14.4 2149081 14.2   (17188426) (17801803) (102319) (0.6)     (613378) (3.6)     (2033269) (12.9) Note: Figures in parentheses include the impact of merger of a non-bank with a bank.
8. Liquidity Operations by RBI (₹ Crore) Date Liquidity Adjustment Facility Standing Liquidity Facilities OMO (Outright) Net Injection (+)/ Absorption (-)
Repo Reverse Repo Variable Rate Repo Variable Rate Reverse Repo MSF SDF Sale Purchase 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Sep. 09, 2024 – – – – 1217 81653 -968 385 – -81789 Sep. 10, 2024 – – – – 1289 104380 968 330 – -102453 Sep. 11, 2024 – – – 25000 1282 124451 – 330 – -148499 Sep. 12, 2024 – – – 72240 2740 96275 – 1345 – -167120 Sep. 13, 2024 – – – – 6427 136851 – 1535 – -131959 Sep. 14, 2024 – – – – 5718 110618 – – – -104900 Sep. 15, 2024 – – – – 4665 106705 – – – -102040 SDF: Standing Deposit Facility; MSF: Marginal Standing Facility.

The above information can be accessed on Internet at https://wss.rbi.org.in/.

The concepts and methodologies for WSS are available in Handbook on WSS (https://rbi.org.in/scripts/PublicationsView.aspx?id=15762).

Time series data are available at https://data.rbi.org.in.

Shweta Sharma 
General Manager

Press Release: 2024-2025/1139