Sr. No. State/UT Amount to be raised
(₹ Cr) Amount Accepted
(₹ Crore) Cut off Yield (%) Tenure
(Year) 1 Andhra Pradesh 500 500 7.45 14 500 500 7.44 15 1000 1000 7.48 20 2 Assam 500 500 7.45 7 3 Bihar 2000 2000 7.49 15 4 Chhattisgarh 1000 1000 7.43 5 1000 1000 7.44 6 1000 1000 7.46 7 1000 1000 7.46 9 5 Gujarat 1000 1000 7.43 7 1000 1000 7.42 9 6 Haryana 1000 1000 7.47 12 7 Jammu and Kashmir 1000 1000 7.46 25 8 Telangana 1000 1000 7.44 22 9 West Bengal* 2000 2500 7.48 19 2000 2500 7.48 20 TOTAL 17,500 18,500 *West Bengal has accepted an additional amount of ₹ 500 Crore each in both the 19-year and 20-year security.
Ajit Prasad
Director (Communications)
Press Release: 2023-2024/1871