Sr. No State Amount to be raised
(₹ Crore)
Amount Accepted
(₹ Crore)
Cut off
Price (₹)/ Yield (%)
1. Andhra Pradesh* 1000 820.061 7.17 07
1000 1000 7.07 09
1000 1000 7.08 10
1000 1000 7.11 13
2000 2000 7.16 15
2. Assam 900 900 7.16 15
3. Bihar 1000 1000 7.12 12
1000 1000 7.19 20
4. Gujarat 1200 1200 6.75 02
1500 1500 7.07 09
5. Karnataka 1000 1000 7.11 10 years and 6 months
6. Kerala 1000 1000 7.16 13
2000 2000 7.18 25
7. Maharashtra 1500 1500 7.12 11
1500 1500 7.13 12
1000 1000 7.12 13
1000 1000 7.14 14
8. Odisha 1000 1000 7.00 05
1000 1000 7.11 12
9. Punjab 1000 1000 7.19 20
10. Tamil Nadu 2000 2000 7.18 30
11. Telangana 1000 1000 7.19 21
1000 1000 7.18 22
1000 1000 7.18 24
12. Uttarakhand 2000 2000 7.14 07
13. Uttar Pradesh 3000 3000 100.17/7.1401 Re-issue of 7.16% Uttar Pradesh SGS 2039, issued on December 26, 2024
  Total 33600 33420.061    
*Andhra Pradesh received bids for ₹820.061 crore in the 7-year paper.

Ajit Prasad          
Deputy General Manager

Press Release: 2024-2025/2073