Sr. No. State Amount to be raised
(₹ Crore) Amount Accepted
(₹ Crore) Cut off
Price (₹) / Yield (%) Tenure
(Year) 1 Andhra Pradesh 500 500 7.47 13 500 500 7.46 14 1000 1000 7.43 18 500 500 7.42 19 500 500 7.42 20 2 Himachal Pradesh 700 700 7.47 09 3 Meghalaya 200 200 7.48 10 4 Punjab 1000 1000 100.26 / 7.4981 Reissue of 7.53% Punjab SGS 2037 issued on May 02, 2024 5 Tamil Nadu 2000 2000 7.43 10 6 Telangana 1000 1000 7.47 12 1000 1000 7.43 17 1000 1000 7.42 24   Total 9900 9900    

Ajit Prasad          
Deputy General Manager

Press Release: 2024-2025/258