I. Summary Results

Aggregate amount (Face Value) notified by RBI ₹40,000.000 crore Total amount offered (Face Value) by participants ₹10,989.096 crore Total amount accepted (Face Value) by RBI ₹5,111.290 crore

II. Details of Each Security

Security 7.35% GS 2024 8.40% GS 2024 FRB 2024 9.15% GS 2024 No. of offers received 7 2 8 4 Total amount (Face Value) offered (₹ Crore) 2,349.113 1,510.000 5,860.806 1,269.177 No of offers accepted 4 2 4 2 Total amount (Face Value) accepted by RBI (₹ Crore) 1,816.113 1,510.000 535.000 1,250.177 Cut off price (₹) 100.03 100.25 100.00 100.94 Weighted Avg Price (₹) 100.03 100.25 100.00 100.94

Ajit Prasad          
Deputy General Manager

Press Release: 2024-2025/404