The result of the auction of State Government Securities held on January 09, 2024 is as under:

(Amount in ₹ Crore)   ASSAM 2029 ASSAM 2034 GUJARAT 2031 GUJARAT 2032 Notified Amount 500 500 1000 1000 Tenure 5 10 7 8 Competitive Bids Received         (i) No. 15 38 89 82 (ii) Amount 2075 1957 7250 7220 Cut-off Yield (%) 7.53 7.78 7.64 7.66 Competitive Bids Accepted         (i) No. 6 28 20 26 (ii) Amount 487.644 472.94 980.195 970.146 Partial Allotment Percentage of Competitive Bids         (i) Percentage 76.32 2.95 53.9 3.12 (ii) No. (1 bid) (5 bids) (9 bids) (11 bids) Non-Competitive Bids Received         (i) No. 5 7 7 8 (ii) Amount 12.356 27.06 19.805 29.854 Non-Competitive Price (₹) 100.05 100.17 100.11 100.20 Non-Competitive Bids Accepted         (i) No. 5 7 7 8 (ii) Amount 12.356 27.06 19.805 29.854 Partial Allotment Percentage of Non-Competitive Bids         (i) Percentage – – – – (ii) No. – – – – Weighted Average Yield (%) 7.5173 7.7553 7.6189 7.6267 Total Allotment Amount 500 500 1000 1000
  HARYANA 2036 JAMMU AND KASHMIR UT 2044 KARNATAKA 2036 KARNATAKA 2037 Notified Amount 2000 330 3000 2000 Tenure 12 20 12 13 Competitive Bids Received         (i) No. 124 29 199 133 (ii) Amount 6758.7 2420.4 10528 10120 Cut-off Yield (%) 7.77 7.68 7.74 7.72 Competitive Bids Accepted         (i) No. 78 1 72 9 (ii) Amount 1906.656 325.33 2898.052 1925.627 Partial Allotment Percentage of Competitive Bids         (i) Percentage 46.57 98.58 87.9 89.14 (ii) No. (17 bids) (1 bid) (35 bids) (7 bids) Non-Competitive Bids Received         (i) No. 11 3 13 11 (ii) Amount 93.344 4.67 101.948 74.373 Non-Competitive Price (₹) 100.16 100.00 100.10 100.00 Non-Competitive Bids Accepted         (i) No. 11 3 13 11 (ii) Amount 93.344 4.67 101.948 74.373 Partial Allotment Percentage of Non-Competitive Bids         (i) Percentage – – – – (ii) No. – – – – Weighted Average Yield (%) 7.7490 7.6800 7.7276 7.7197 Total Allotment Amount 2000 330 3000 2000
  KARNATAKA 2038 KERALA 2035 MAHARASHTRA 2035 MAHARASHTRA 2036 Notified Amount 2000 800 2000 2000 Tenure 14 11 11 12 Competitive Bids Received         (i) No. 122 72 189 157 (ii) Amount 11597 3793.4 10648 8815 Cut-off Yield (%) 7.71 7.76 7.72 7.73 Competitive Bids Accepted         (i) No. 7 32 34 41 (ii) Amount 1926.011 796.986 1937.788 1926.737 Partial Allotment Percentage of Competitive Bids         (i) Percentage 81.76 56.08 24.76 79 (ii) No. (6 bids) (8 bids) (15 bids) (18 bids) Non-Competitive Bids Received         (i) No. 8 3 10 12 (ii) Amount 73.989 3.014 62.212 73.263 Non-Competitive Price (₹) 100.00 100.15 100.08 100.09 Non-Competitive Bids Accepted         (i) No. 8 3 10 12 (ii) Amount 73.989 3.014 62.212 73.263 Partial Allotment Percentage of Non-Competitive Bids         (i) Percentage – – – – (ii) No. – – – – Weighted Average Yield (%) 7.7099 7.7391 7.7090 7.7182 Total Allotment Amount 2000 800 2000 2000
  PUDUCHERRY 2036 TAMILNADU 2034 TOTAL Notified Amount 200 2000 19330 Tenure 12 10   Competitive Bids Received       (i) No. 25 146 1420 (ii) Amount 1255 10973 95410.5 Cut-off Yield (%) 7.78 7.72   Competitive Bids Accepted       (i) No. 13 54 421 (ii) Amount 199.96 1890.669 18644.741 Partial Allotment Percentage of Competitive Bids       (i) Percentage 19.05 2.83   (ii) No. (4 bids) (24 bids)   Non-Competitive Bids Received       (i) No. 2 16 116 (ii) Amount 0.04 109.331 685.259 Non-Competitive Price (₹) 100.09 100.12   Non-Competitive Bids Accepted       (i) No. 2 16 116 (ii) Amount 0.04 109.331 685.259 Partial Allotment Percentage of Non-Competitive Bids       (i) Percentage – –   (ii) No. – –   Weighted Average Yield (%) 7.7678 7.7029   Total Allotment Amount 200 2000 19330

Ajit Prasad            
Director (Communications)

Press Release: 2023-2024/1640