The result of the auction of State Government Securities held on September 03, 2024 is as under:

(Amount in ₹ Crore)   ANDHRA PRADESH 2034 ANDHRA PRADESH 2037 ANDHRA PRADESH 2044 ANDHRA PRADESH 2047 Notified Amount 1000 1000 1000 1000 Tenure 10 13 20 23 Competitive Bids Received         (i) No. 68 90 35 16 (ii) Amount 5385 5271.8 2830 2630 Cut off Yield (%) 7.23 7.25 7.25 7.25 Competitive Bids Accepted         (i) No. 21 14 5 5 (ii) Amount 900 906.704 979.993 979.937 Partial Allotment Percentage of Competitive Bids         (i) Percentage 36.21 63.10 46.60 31.37 (ii) No. (11 bids) (11 bids) (4 bids) (4 bids) Non-Competitive Bids Received         (i) No. 14 14 3 4 (ii) Amount 106.634 93.296 20.007 20.063 Non-Competitive Price (₹) 100.04 100.01 100.05 100.06 Non-Competitive Bids Accepted         (i) No. 14 14 3 4 (ii) Amount 100 93.296 20.007 20.063 Partial Allotment Percentage of Non-Competitive Bids         Percentage 93.78 – – – Weighted Average Yield (%) 7.2242 7.2491 7.2449 7.2449 Total Allotment Amount 1000 1000 1000 1000
  ASSAM 2044 GOA 2035 HARYANA 2036 KERALA 2040 Notified Amount 1000 150 1000 753 Tenure 20 11 12 16 Competitive Bids Received         (i) No. 30 23 87 40 (ii) Amount 3465 951 5315 2773 Cut off Yield (%) 7.25 7.25 7.25 7.24 Competitive Bids Accepted         (i) No. 4 10 29 2 (ii) Amount 979.994 149.945 900.798 744.954 Partial Allotment Percentage of Competitive Bids         (i) Percentage 31.89 25.64 7.51 97.72 (ii) No. (3 bids) (9 bids) (20 bids) (1 bid) Non-Competitive Bids Received         (i) No. 4 2 12 4 (ii) Amount 20.006 0.055 99.202 8.046 Non-Competitive Price (₹) 100.05 100 100.07 100.05 Non-Competitive Bids Accepted         (i) No. 4 2 12 4 (ii) Amount 20.006 0.055 99.202 8.046 Partial Allotment Percentage of Non-Competitive Bids         Percentage – – – – Weighted Average Yield (%) 7.2449 7.2498 7.2415 7.2346 Total Allotment Amount 1000 150 1000 753
  MAHARASHTRA 2035 MAHARASHTRA 2040 MAHARASHTRA 2045 MAHARASHTRA 2050 Notified Amount 1500 1500 1500 1500 Tenure 11 16 21 26 Competitive Bids Received         (i) No. 114 76 41 18 (ii) Amount 7068 4960 2975 2030 Cut off Yield (%) 7.23 7.24 7.25 7.26 Competitive Bids Accepted         (i) No. 40 12 17 11 (ii) Amount 1407.651 1469.208 1484.967 1484.900 Partial Allotment Percentage of Competitive Bids         (i) Percentage 62.29 80.02 80.17 93.60 (ii) No. (21 bids) (8 bids) (10 bids) (6 bids) Non-Competitive Bids Received         (i) No. 11 8 3 3 (ii) Amount 92.349 30.792 15.033 15.100 Non-Competitive Price (₹) 100.04 100.04 100.05 100.11 Non-Competitive Bids Accepted         (i) No. 11 8 3 3 (ii) Amount 92.349 30.792 15.033 15.100 Partial Allotment Percentage of Non-Competitive Bids         Percentage – – – – Weighted Average Yield (%) 7.2251 7.2362 7.2453 7.2507 Total Allotment Amount 1500 1500 1500 1500
  MEGHALAYA 2034 RAJASTHAN 2034 TAMILNADU 2029 TAMILNADU 2032 Notified Amount 150 1000 1000 1000 Tenure 10 10 5 8 Competitive Bids Received         (i) No. 18 64 39 53 (ii) Amount 651 4955.5 3960 6935 Cut off Yield (%) 7.25 7.24 7.06 7.19 Competitive Bids Accepted         (i) No. 3 32 6 14 (ii) Amount 149.489 900 949.988 925.982 Partial Allotment Percentage of Competitive Bids         (i) Percentage 94.61 11.80 76.07 12.23 (ii) No. (3 bids) (14 bids) (4 bids) (10 bids) Non-Competitive Bids Received         (i) No. 3 13 9 9 (ii) Amount 0.511 114.044 50.012 74.018 Non-Competitive Price (₹) 100 100.1 100 100.05 Non-Competitive Bids Accepted         (i) No. 3 13 9 9 (ii) Amount 0.511 100 50.012 74.018 Partial Allotment Percentage of Non-Competitive Bids         Percentage – 87.69 – – Weighted Average Yield (%) 7.25 7.2258 7.0594 7.1811 Total Allotment Amount 150 1000 1000 1000
  TELANGANA 2038 TELANGANA 2046 WEST BENGAL 2045 Total Notified Amount 1500 1000 2000 20553 Tenure 14 22 21   Competitive Bids Received         (i) No. 95 18 24 949 (ii) Amount 7231 1855 4620 75861.300 Cut off Yield (%) 7.25 7.25 7.25   Competitive Bids Accepted         (i) No. 18 3 6 252 (ii) Amount 1428.483 979.873 1959.953 19682.819 Partial Allotment Percentage of Competitive Bids         (i) Percentage 71.75 81.32 50.50   (ii) No. (14 bids) (3 bids) (3 bids)   Non-Competitive Bids Received         (i) No. 5 4 4 129 (ii) Amount 71.517 20.127 40.047 890.851 Non-Competitive Price (₹) 100.01 100 100.12   Non-Competitive Bids Accepted         (i) No. 5 4 4 129 (ii) Amount 71.517 20.127 40.047 870.181 Partial Allotment Percentage of Non-Competitive Bids         Percentage – – –   Weighted Average Yield (%) 7.2494 7.25 7.2390   Total Allotment Amount 1500 1000 2000 20553

Ajit Prasad          
Deputy General Manager

Press Release: 2024-2025/1032