The result of the auction of State Government Securities held on September 10, 2024 is as under:

(Amount in ₹ Crore)   BIHAR 2033 HIMACHAL PRADESH 2039 KERALA 2045 MAHARASHTRA 2034 Notified Amount 2000 700 1500 1500 Tenure 9 15 21 Reissue of 7.20% Maharashtra SGS 2034 issued on August 28, 2024 Competitive Bids Received         (i) No. 78 66 28 132 (ii) Amount 6610 4629.600 5145 9145 Cut off
Price (₹) / Yield (%) 7.21 7.22 7.23 100.00/7.1994 Competitive Bids Accepted         (i) No. 5 1 2 25 (ii) Amount 1850.028 675.912 1481.535 1359.487 Partial Allotment Percentage of Competitive Bids         (i) Percentage 81.73 96.56 98.11 49.73 (ii) No. (4 bids) (1 bid) (2 bids) (13 bids) Non-Competitive Bids Received         (i) No. 12 6 4 11 (ii) Amount 149.972 24.088 18.465 140.513 Non-Competitive Price (₹) 100.04 100 100 100.01 Non-Competitive Bids Accepted         (i) No. 12 6 4 11 (ii) Amount 149.972 24.088 18.465 140.513 Partial Allotment Percentage of Non-Competitive Bids         Percentage – – – – Weighted Average Yield (%) 7.2046 7.2200 7.2300 7.1980 Total Allotment Amount 2000 700 1500 1500
  MAHARASHTRA 2039 MAHARASHTRA 2044 MAHARASHTRA 2049 MIZORAM 2038 Notified Amount 1500 1500 1500 90 Tenure Reissue of 7.24% Maharashtra SGS 2039 issued on August 28, 2024 Reissue of 7.25% Maharashtra SGS 2044 issued on August 28, 2024 Reissue of 7.22% Maharashtra SGS 2049 issued on August 28, 2024 14 Competitive Bids Received         (i) No. 119 83 52 21 (ii) Amount 8390 4615 4936 830 Cut off
Price (₹) / Yield (%) 100.18/7.2197 100.00/7.2496 99.85/7.2327 7.23 Competitive Bids Accepted         (i) No. 4 45 5 2 (ii) Amount 1455.597 1499.971 1499.975 87.557 Partial Allotment Percentage of Competitive Bids         (i) Percentage 81.07 3.45 51.24 87.56 (ii) No. (2 bids) (12 bids) (1 bid) (2 bids) Non-Competitive Bids Received         (i) No. 8 1 2 5 (ii) Amount 44.403 0.029 0.025 2.443 Non-Competitive Price (₹) 100.24 100.13 99.94 100 Non-Competitive Bids Accepted         (i) No. 8 1 2 5 (ii) Amount 44.403 0.029 0.025 2.443 Partial Allotment Percentage of Non-Competitive Bids         Percentage – – – – Weighted Average Yield (%) 7.2130 7.2372 7.2249 7.2300 Total Allotment Amount 1500 1500 1500 90
  TAMILNADU 2029 TAMILNADU 2054 TELANGANA 2038 Total Notified Amount 1000 1000 1500 13790 Tenure 5 30 14   Competitive Bids Received         (i) No. 57 22 105 763 (ii) Amount 8075 3955 9102 65432.600 Cut off
Price (₹) / Yield (%) 7.03 7.22 7.22   Competitive Bids Accepted         (i) No. 5 2 5 101 (ii) Amount 947.567 999.911 1414.287 13271.830 Partial Allotment Percentage of Competitive Bids         (i) Percentage 93.99 97.08 23.27   (ii) No. (4 bids) (2 bids) (4 bids)   Non-Competitive Bids Received         (i) No. 9 2 12 72 (ii) Amount 52.433 0.089 85.713 518.173 Non-Competitive Price (₹) 100 100 100.06   Non-Competitive Bids Accepted         (i) No. 9 2 12 72 (ii) Amount 52.433 0.089 85.713 518.173 Partial Allotment Percentage of Non-Competitive Bids         Percentage – – –   Weighted Average Yield (%) 7.0295 7.2200 7.2129   Total Allotment Amount 1000 1000 1500 13790

Ajit Prasad          
Deputy General Manager

Press Release: 2024-2025/1073