The Reserve Bank of India today released the data showing daily merchant and Inter-Bank transactions in foreign exchange for the period January 1 – January 5, 2024.

All Figures are in USD Millions Position Date MERCHANT INTER BANK FCY / INR FCY / FCY FCY / INR FCY / FCY Spot Forward Forward
Spot Forward Forward
Spot Swap Forward Spot Swap Forward Purchases 01-01-2024 1,096 218 464 12 0 0 4,792 3,634 246 301 110 0 02-01-2024 2,799 1,144 1,035 225 217 193 13,175 14,644 1,191 7,429 2,208 325 03-01-2024 3,164 505 593 262 157 151 12,996 15,019 986 5,319 1,955 125 04-01-2024 3,886 947 976 289 186 173 17,013 12,741 1,036 7,186 2,219 282 05-01-2024 3,367 874 1,117 247 261 193 13,703 13,695 1,309 7,967 1,982 308 Sales 01-01-2024 1,048 705 324 11 0 0 4,408 3,454 200 304 110 0 02-01-2024 4,599 982 263 260 218 193 12,863 15,149 1,163 7,405 2,203 325 03-01-2024 3,193 1,147 338 277 158 152 11,438 14,206 1,156 5,302 1,928 124 04-01-2024 4,261 1,114 449 297 192 178 15,347 12,902 828 7,255 2,079 282 05-01-2024 3,375 2,049 530 247 261 193 13,257 11,580 1,344 8,036 1,976 308 (Provisional Data)

Ajit Prasad            
Director (Communications)

Press Release: 2023-2024/1860