The Reserve Bank of India today released the data showing daily merchant and Inter-Bank transactions in foreign exchange for the period March 11 – March 15, 2024.
All Figures are in USD Millions Position Date MERCHANT INTER BANK FCY / INR FCY / FCY FCY / INR FCY / FCY Spot Forward Forward Cancel Spot Forward Forward Cancel Spot Swap Forward Spot Swap Forward Purchases 11-03-2024 8,399 1,506 1,470 307 793 711 19,816 22,464 2,411 6,116 3,898 229 12-03-2024 6,151 1,178 951 276 379 341 16,233 17,352 841 8,269 2,763 251 13-03-2024 6,176 2,370 1,491 192 477 434 22,063 16,182 1,432 9,258 2,814 136 14-03-2024 6,510 1,910 1,093 335 327 308 18,087 16,102 1,550 10,205 2,877 221 15-03-2024 8,360 1,586 1,153 74 467 439 20,990 17,225 1,325 7,292 2,695 875 Sales 11-03-2024 6,359 2,837 513 320 764 710 19,346 20,858 3,296 6,299 3,849 229 12-03-2024 5,047 1,777 455 273 378 341 16,944 16,054 1,554 8,354 2,698 251 13-03-2024 6,108 2,500 883 208 474 435 20,667 15,271 2,082 9,270 2,849 136 14-03-2024 6,281 2,152 975 345 311 304 17,506 14,844 1,785 10,239 2,791 222 15-03-2024 7,422 2,167 897 74 468 439 21,595 15,270 2,147 7,344 2,672 878 (Provisional Data)
Ajit Prasad
Director (Communications)
Press Release: 2024-2025/96