In the underwriting auctions conducted on May 10, 2024 for Additional Competitive Underwriting (ACU) of the undernoted Government securities, the Reserve Bank of India has set the cut-off rates for underwriting commission payable to Primary Dealers as given below:

(₹ crore) Nomenclature of the Security Notified Amount Minimum Underwriting Commitment (MUC) Amount Additional Competitive Underwriting Amount Accepted Total Amount underwritten ACU Commission Cut-off rate
(paise per ₹100) 7.32% GS 2030 11,000 5502 5498 11,000 0.12 7.30% GS 2053 9,000 4515 4485 9,000 0.18 Auction for the sale of securities will be held on May 10, 2024.

Ajit Prasad          
Deputy General Manager

Press Release: 2024-2025/276