The result of the auction of State Government Securities held on March 12, 2024 is as under:

(Amount in ₹ Crore)   ARUNACHAL PRADESH 2034 BIHAR 2039 CHHATTISGARH 2032 CHHATTISGARH 2033 Notified Amount 232 1612 1000 1000 Tenure 10 15 8 9 Competitive Bids Received         (i) No. 14 45 46 47 (ii) Amount 789 4780.25 6327 4894 Cut-off Yield (%) 7.41 7.39 7.38 7.39 Competitive Bids Accepted         (i) No. 7 7 10 22 (ii) Amount 228.636 1595.137 945.925 967.806 Partial Allotment Percentage of Competitive Bids         (i) Percentage 33.71 89.47 30.23 44.71 (ii) No. (2 bids) (5 bids) (4 bids) (10 bids) Non-Competitive Bids Received         (i) No. 4 4 9 5 (ii) Amount 3.364 16.863 54.075 32.194 Non-Competitive Price (₹) 100.08 100.01 100.06 100.04 Non-Competitive Bids Accepted         (i) No. 4 4 9 5 (ii) Amount 3.364 16.863 54.075 32.194 Partial Allotment Percentage of Non-Competitive Bids         (i) Percentage – – – – (ii) No. – – – – Weighted Average Yield (%) 7.3982 7.3887 7.3706 7.3834 Total Allotment Amount 232 1612 1000 1000
  CHHATTISGARH 2034 HARYANA 2035 HIMACHAL PRADESH 2034 HIMACHAL PRADESH 2036 Notified Amount 1000 1000 500 600 Tenure 10 11 10 12 Competitive Bids Received         (i) No. 48 90 27 36 (ii) Amount 5354.5 8234 2267.6 3237 Cut-off Yield (%) 7.38 7.38 7.39 7.41 Competitive Bids Accepted         (i) No. 8 18 8 17 (ii) Amount 939.287 923.989 478.993 589.994 Partial Allotment Percentage of Competitive Bids         (i) Percentage 97.01 37.97 40.51 27.62 (ii) No. (5 bids) (9 bids) (4 bids) (5 bids) Non-Competitive Bids Received         (i) No. 8 8 7 4 (ii) Amount 60.713 76.011 21.007 10.006 Non-Competitive Price (₹) 100.02 100.09 100.04 100.08 Non-Competitive Bids Accepted         (i) No. 8 8 7 4 (ii) Amount 60.713 76.011 21.007 10.006 Partial Allotment Percentage of Non-Competitive Bids         (i) Percentage – – – – (ii) No. – – – – Weighted Average Yield (%) 7.3778 7.3675 7.3844 7.4001 Total Allotment Amount 1000 1000 500 600
  JAMMU AND KASHMIR UT 2049 KARNATAKA 2034 KARNATAKA 2037 KARNATAKA 2038 Notified Amount 200 1000 3000 2000 Tenure 25 10 13 14 Competitive Bids Received         (i) No. 5 128 197 140 (ii) Amount 450 9124 17279.2 14329 Cut-off Yield (%) 7.36 7.36 7.37 7.37 Competitive Bids Accepted         (i) No. 2 13 30 28 (ii) Amount 199.963 900 2700 1928.745 Partial Allotment Percentage of Competitive Bids         (i) Percentage 99.98 69.96 82.89 33.64 (ii) No. (2 bids) (10 bids) (23 bids) (17 bids) Non-Competitive Bids Received         (i) No. 2 18 15 6 (ii) Amount 0.037 147.435 301.276 71.255 Non-Competitive Price (₹) 100.00 100.01 100.02 100.06 Non-Competitive Bids Accepted         (i) No. 2 18 15 6 (ii) Amount 0.037 100 300 71.255 Partial Allotment Percentage of Non-Competitive Bids         (i) Percentage – 67.83 99.58 – (ii) No. – (18 bids) (14 bids) – Weighted Average Yield (%) 7.3600 7.3582 7.3678 7.3633 Total Allotment Amount 200 1000 3000 2000
  KERALA 2034 KERALA 2044 KERALA 2054 PUDUCHERRY 2026 Notified Amount 1000 2000 2000 100 Tenure 10 20 30 2 Competitive Bids Received         (i) No. 69 33 13 5 (ii) Amount 6530.2 5375 4285 404 Cut-off Yield (%) 7.39 7.38 7.36 7.29 Competitive Bids Accepted         (i) No. 22 6 2 1 (ii) Amount 939.999 1980 1979.999 97.667 Partial Allotment Percentage of Competitive Bids         (i) Percentage 2.78 72.95 99 97.67 (ii) No. (10 bids) (4 bids) (2 bids) (1 bid) Non-Competitive Bids Received         (i) No. 7 1 2 3 (ii) Amount 60.001 20 20.001 2.333 Non-Competitive Price (₹) 100.09 100.05 100.00 100.00 Non-Competitive Bids Accepted         (i) No. 7 1 2 3 (ii) Amount 60.001 20 20.001 2.333 Partial Allotment Percentage of Non-Competitive Bids         (i) Percentage – – – – (ii) No. – – – – Weighted Average Yield (%) 7.3778 7.3749 7.3600 7.2900 Total Allotment Amount 1000 2000 2000 100
  PUDUCHERRY 2038 PUDUCHERRY 2036 RAJASTHAN 2034 RAJASTHAN 2045 Notified Amount 200 100 1000 1000 Tenure 14 Reissue of 7.78% Puducherry SGS 2036 issued on January 10, 2024 10 21 Competitive Bids Received         (i) No. 18 13 88 10 (ii) Amount 940 455 7750 2340 Cut-off Yield (%) 7.38 7.4043 7.37 7.37 Competitive Bids Accepted         (i) No. 2 4 17 2 (ii) Amount 199.725 99.987 900 959.974 Partial Allotment Percentage of Competitive Bids         (i) Percentage 99.86 99.96 51.22 96 (ii) No. (2 bids) (1 bid) (15 bids) (2 bids) Non-Competitive Bids Received         (i) No. 2 2 15 4 (ii) Amount 0.275 0.013 143.009 40.026 Non-Competitive Price (₹) 100.00 102.94 100.00 100.00 Non-Competitive Bids Accepted         (i) No. 2 2 15 4 (ii) Amount 0.275 0.013 100 40.026 Partial Allotment Percentage of Non-Competitive Bids         (i) Percentage – – 69.93 – (ii) No. – – (15 bids) – Weighted Average Yield (%) 7.3800 7.4006 7.3693 7.3700 Total Allotment Amount 200 100 1000 1000
  RAJASTHAN 2049 TAMILNADU 2054 TAMILNADU 2031 TELANGANA 2041 Notified Amount 1000 2000 2000 1000 Tenure Reissue of 7.74% Rajasthan SGS 2049 issued on March 23, 2023 30 Reissue of 6.83% Tamil Nadu SDL 2031 issued on December 15, 2021 17 Competitive Bids Received         (i) No. 19 32 77 51 (ii) Amount 3485 6972 11125 5305 Cut-off Yield (%) 7.3603 7.36 7.3678 7.37 Competitive Bids Accepted         (i) No. 2 16 10 10 (ii) Amount 999.993 1979.816 1984.955 945.447 Partial Allotment Percentage of Competitive Bids         (i) Percentage 100 42.87 99.70 28.91 (ii) No. (2 bids) (8 bids) (1 bid) (7 bids) Non-Competitive Bids Received         (i) No. 1 3 4 7 (ii) Amount 0.007 20.184 15.045 54.553 Non-Competitive Price (₹) 104.31 100.06 96.91 100.06 Non-Competitive Bids Accepted         (i) No. 1 3 4 7 (ii) Amount 0.007 20.184 15.045 54.553 Partial Allotment Percentage of Non-Competitive Bids         (i) Percentage – – – – (ii) No. – – – – Weighted Average Yield (%) 7.3603 7.3550 7.3573 7.3642 Total Allotment Amount 1000 2000 2000 1000
  TELANGANA 2050 UTTAR PRADESH 2034 UTTAR PRADESH 2036 WEST BENGAL 2042 Notified Amount 1000 2000 2000 2000 Tenure 26 10 12 18 Competitive Bids Received         (i) No. 27 121 126 29 (ii) Amount 3955 11262 12987.1 4895 Cut-off Yield (%) 7.36 7.38 7.38 7.39 Competitive Bids Accepted         (i) No. 7 34 21 3 (ii) Amount 984.957 1884 1929.997 1954.981 Partial Allotment Percentage of Competitive Bids         (i) Percentage 56.29 84.60 53.55 85.25 (ii) No. (5 bids) (18 bids) (15 bids) (2 bids) Non-Competitive Bids Received         (i) No. 3 6 5 5 (ii) Amount 15.043 116 70.003 45.019 Non-Competitive Price (₹) 100.03 100.02 100.02 100.01 Non-Competitive Bids Accepted         (i) No. 3 6 5 5 (ii) Amount 15.043 116 70.003 45.019 Partial Allotment Percentage of Non-Competitive Bids         (i) Percentage – – – – (ii) No. – – – – Weighted Average Yield (%) 7.3577 7.3774 7.3780 7.3887 Total Allotment Amount 1000 2000 2000 2000
  WEST BENGAL 2044 Total Notified Amount 2000 35544 Tenure 20   Competitive Bids Received     (i) No. 21 1575 (ii) Amount 4830 169960.85 Cut-off Yield (%) 7.39   Competitive Bids Accepted     (i) No. 3 332 (ii) Amount 1959.99 34179.962 Partial Allotment Percentage of Competitive Bids     (i) Percentage 85.50   (ii) No. (2 bids)   Non-Competitive Bids Received     (i) No. 4 164 (ii) Amount 40.01 1455.738 Non-Competitive Price (₹) 100.03   Non-Competitive Bids Accepted     (i) No. 4 164 (ii) Amount 40.01 1364.038 Partial Allotment Percentage of Non-Competitive Bids     (i) Percentage –   (ii) No. –   Weighted Average Yield (%) 7.3874   Total Allotment Amount 2000 35544

Ajit Prasad            
Director (Communications)

Press Release: 2023-2024/2040