Auction Results 7.37% GS 2028 7.18% GS 2033 7.46% GS 2073 I. Notified Amount ₹7000 Crore ₹16000 Crore ₹10000 Crore II. Underwriting Notified Amount ₹7000 Crore ₹16000 Crore ₹10000 Crore III. Competitive Bids Received       (i) Number 114 242 264 (ii) Amount ₹16354 Crore ₹42774.038 Crore ₹30801.362 Crore IV. Cut-off price / Yield 101.25 100.02 101.44 (YTM: 7.0508%) (YTM: 7.1764%) (YTM: 7.3499%) V. Competitive Bids Accepted       (i) Number 59 65 41 (ii) Amount ₹6992.882 Crore ₹15998.681 Crore ₹9988.297 Crore VI. Partial Allotment Percentage of Competitive Bids 25.44% 44.75% 11.94% (17 Bids) (11 Bids) (6 Bids) VII. Weighted Average Price/Yield 101.25 100.02 101.51 (WAY: 7.0508%) (WAY: 7.1764%) (WAY: 7.3447%) VIII. Non-Competitive Bids Received       (i) Number 3 3 3 (ii) Amount ₹7.118 Crore ₹1.319 Crore ₹11.703 Crore IX. Non-Competitive Bids Accepted       (i) Number 3 3 3 (ii) Amount ₹7.118 Crore ₹1.319 Crore ₹11.703 Crore (iii) Partial Allotment Percentage – – – X. Amount of Underwriting accepted from primary dealers ₹7000 Crore ₹16000 Crore ₹10000 Crore XI. Devolvement on Primary Dealers NIL NIL NIL

Ajit Prasad            
Director (Communications)

Press Release: 2023-2024/1742